As a new puppy raiser, Zeb came into my heart to fill the hole left from the loss of our beloved Hashi. I was just going to be a puppy sitter, but when Zeb and his sister Zuni arrived at CaPR I opened my home and heart to Zeb or as my grand children call him, Zebby. We challenge each other daily, who can be the loudest, who can find the best toy, who can run the fastest or climb the mountain first. Sometimes he lets me win. Biggest challenge was to tell Dad that we got a dog while he was away. “We’ll see when I get home”, he said. Now it’s not Zeb, but “where’s my son”, as Zeb greets him at the door with something he picks up along the way, a shoe, a toy, a towel left unattended.
From a 20 pound pup to a 90 pound youngster he has grown up to become a commanding presence and I hope he will be as loved in his future work. There will again be a hole in my heart with him leaving, but I hope he knows I will always love him to infinity and beyond!
If you are interested in raising a puppy like Zeb, we would love for you to get involved. To learn more, visit Dog Program Volunteers. |