PICK OF THE LITTER Meet a new standout puppy from the Canine Partners of the Rockies Puppy Program “HANCOCK”Hancock is one of our puppies from the “H” litter whose parents are Quinn and Jammer; making Hancock half golden retriever and half black lab. Hancock is named after our current Denver Mayor, Michael Hancock. Hancock is being raised in Arizona by one of Canine Partners Advanced Trainers. Hancock is long, leggy and lean. It will be a while before he grows into his lanky body. But he is a very confident puppy. He loves to sleep on his back with his feet up the wall – when he dreams, his legs “run” along the wall. Hancock loves to walk about campus at North Arizona University. He particularly loves the bustle of students at lunch break in which they are talking, drumming and cycling. What a great environment for a future service dog to experience. Sporting events are another environment that Hancock enjoys with all the excitement of cheering and of course the marching band. One of Hancock’s loves is vegetables and other plants, stems, roots, flowers, twigs, branches, dried crabapples, pine cones etc. which don’t always set well in the stomach or make for a beautiful landscape design. Even our future service dogs have “puppy issues” that they must overcome to be a good partner for a Colorado resident that needs a service dog. Train hard Hancock, there is a bright future in front of you.
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